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everything I know about public speaking, elevator pitches, and communication just for you
One night with the homeless and what I learnt…

One night with the homeless and what I learnt…

The truth is, it is ridiculous, almost offensive, for me to talk about the lessons I learnt from one night with the homeless.   First of all, it wasn't even a night - more like 4 hours in the evening. And I wasn't, as you might have expected, out in the biting...

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Why I don’t like the “ I have a dream ” speech

Why I don’t like the “ I have a dream ” speech

OK, let's get one thing straight. The I have a dream speech is a phenomenal speech. It is the seminal speech of the 20th century, and it has a legitimate claim to the title of greatest speech ever given (although my personal vote would go to Abraham Lincoln's...

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Celebrity Speechmatch: Obama vs Trump. And the winner is…

Celebrity Speechmatch: Obama vs Trump. And the winner is…

It’s the battle the world has been waiting to see. Right up there with Ali vs Foreman; Barcelona vs Real Madrid; Serena vs... well nobody came close to Serena, so let's go with Chris Evert vs Martina Navratilova. Obama vs Trump. Professor vs Businessman. Socialist vs...

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Communicators of the world, Unite!

Communicators of the world, Unite!

What's going on with the world? Where have all the great communicators gone? When did we lose the ability to talk with each other? When did we forget how to disagree without being disagreeable? We are, each of us, born with the innate ability to speak (whether in...

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